Too Old to Blog?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Where's the novel, Ennis?

For what it's worth, I have finished the first draft of my novel.
It was being hosted at Blogspot, but I've decided to move it to a server. It was supposed to be an Australian novel, but it turned into a very NZ one, so it belongs on the postkiwi site, really. It's called Friday in Summer and I have learned a lot about blogging from the whole summer experience. These are a couple of the photos that I used for inspiration. I hope I've been able to add links for them.

My daughter and I reckon next year we are going to declare December or maybe january our month for writing. Really November doesn't work for us. And now we are back in to the old grind, but I haven't got a full-time job yet, so have a few days to make changes. But I've posted the current result and won't change it unless there are any more major differences. Think I'll put some interpolations of the legend to round out the story.

Might make 50,000 words yet.